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Everva Lifecare manufactures and distributes a wide range of drops

Pharmaceuticals Drops Range Details


USP, BP,IP, Ph. Eur.



Dossier Format:

CTD, ACTD, Country Specific


Product Permission, COPP, FSC, COA

Our Drops Range

S. No.CategoryProductProduct with StrengthDosage Form
1ENT & EyeAciclovir8mg/8mlDrops
2ENT & EyeAtropine Sulfate50mg/10ml & 100mg/10mlDrops
3ENT & EyeCarboxy methyl cellulose10mlDrops
4ENT & EyeChloramphenicol 0.5%/10mlDrops
5ENT & EyeCiprofloxacin15mg/5ml & 30mg/10mlDrops
6ENT & EyeClonidine HCL12.5mg/5mlDrops
7ENT & EyeCortisone15mg/3mlDrops
8ENT & EyeDexamethasone12.5mg/5mlDrops
9ENT & EyeDiclofenac Sodium5mg/5ml & 100mg/10mlDrops
10ENT & EyeEnoxacin24mg/8mlDrops
11ENT & EyeGanciclovir8mg/8mlDrops
12ENT & EyeGentamycin0.3%/10mlDrops
13ENT & EyeHydrobenzole8mg/8mlDrops
14ENT & EyeKanamycin Sulfate0.2%/5mlDrops
15ENT & EyeLevofloxacin15mg/5mlDrops
16ENT & EyeLincomycin200mg/8mlDrops
17ENT & EyeMoxifloxacin5mlDrops
18ENT & EyeNepafenac E/D 0.1%5mlDrops
19ENT & EyeNorfloxacin24mg/8mlDrops
20ENT & EyeOfloxacin15mg/5mlDrops
21ENT & EyeOxymetazoline Nasal Solution0.05mgDrops
22ENT & EyePhenylephrine+Chlorpheniramine 2.5mg + 2mg per mlDrops
23ENT & EyePirenoxine Sodium0.8mg/15mlDrops
24ENT & EyePolyeth Glycol 10mlDrops
25ENT & EyePolyvinyl Alcohol1.4%/10mlDrops
26ENT & EyeRibavirin8mg/8mlDrops
27ENT & EyeRifampicin5mg/10mlDrops
28ENT & EyeSodium Cromoglicate2%/10mlDrops
29ENT & EyeSulfacetamide800mg/8mlDrops
30ENT & EyeTaurine400mg/8mlDrops
31ENT & EyeTimolol Mateate12.5mg/5ml & 25mg/5mlDrops
32ENT & EyeTobramycin0.3%/5mlDrops
33ENT & EyeTravoprost 0.004%2.5mlDrops
34ENT & EyeTropicamide25mg/5mlDrops
35ENT & EyeXylomethazoline 0.1%Drops
36ENT & EyeZinc Sulfate0.40%Drops